Women's Sharing Circles
" The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention… A loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect than the most well-intentioned words." ~ Rachel Naomi Remen
Research has shown that it is powerful to explore, discover and appropriately express feelings using language, that expression is a proven path to healing, freedom and wholeness. The first step necessary is exploration, especially of the feelings and thoughts that have been hidden, repressed, minimized or denied.
As women who have experienced loss and grief, we know what power there is in sharing—
in putting feelings and thoughts into words, expressing them out loud, being listened to and heard by another, validating what is. Then we are no longer alone.
Women's Sharing Circle in Ashland Oregon
Various sharing groups have been meeting in Ashland OR for women who have missed motherhood, whether by choice or by circumstances. The groups have been facilitated by Kani Comstock. All women who have experienced missed motherhood are welcome.
Please RSVP using the form at contact on this website to participate in the Ashland group.
Create your Own Sharing Circle
We encourage women everywhere who have had an experience of missed motherhood, whether or not they have a child, to come together in groups, or utilize women’s groups already established, to share their personal experiences of missed motherhood and how it has impacted their sense of self and life experiences.
The willingness to speak and the willingness to listen are both necessary ingredients for the change that is possible in sharing of experiences. It is recommended that women read the book, Honoring Missed Motherhood, Loss, Choice and Creativity in preparation for participating. The book describes in detail how to create a supportive, healing environment. In addition we have created
Discussion Guidelines to support your sharing.
Click button to download
Discussion Guidelines for use in your sharing circle