As life coaches and workshop facilitators, Barbara and Kani have witnessed women stumbling upon the unintegrated experience of missed motherhood, the unexpected shudder, tears, anger and grief. We find meticulous memories of joy and loss tucked away in rarely visited corners. We find women are grateful for acknowledgement and healing rituals. Each woman's unique experience is held with respect and reverence.

Claiming Wholeness Coaching is a professional relationship that supports a woman in uncovering and grieving losses resulting from her unique missed motherhood experiences, examining and expanding on her choices, and utilizing her creativity in moving forward in her life with clarity and passion.
In coaching sessions, we concentrate on where each woman is now in her life, what is undiscovered and unresolved, what she is willing to do to get to where she wants to be in the future, recognizing that results are a matter of her intentions, choices and actions, supported by our efforts as coaches and application of the coaching process. We are committed to eliciting the inherent capability and resourcefulness of each woman.
Since coaching sessions are by telephone, or Skype, we work with women anywhere in the world they may be living. For more information about Kani Comstock or Barbara Comstock, click on their name. If you'd like to schedule a session with either Kani or Barbara, please go to the contact page and send us an email.